

1. 作为交互的登录脚本环境
~/.bash_logot 登出时执行

如果配置文件存在,但是没有读取权限,bash会打印出错误信息来。如果文件本就不存在,bash 会查找下一个配置文件。

2. 作为交互的不需要登录脚本环境

3. 非交互的调用
在这种情况下,PATH并不会被应用,所以,如果我们想执行某个应用,我们必须得给出它的full path以及full name。

4. 作为shell command被调用
遵从POSIX的传统,bash会尽量表现的和传统的Bourne sh一样。

Differences in interactive mode:

Bash reads startup files.

Job control enabled by default.

Prompts are set, PS2 is enabled for multi-line commands, it is usually set to “>”. This is also the prompt you get when the shell thinks you entered an unfinished command, for instance when you forget quotes, command structures that cannot be left out, etc.

Commands are by default read from the command line using readline.

Bash interprets the shell option ignoreeof instead of exiting immediately upon receiving EOF (End Of File).

Command history and history expansion are enabled by default. History is saved in the file pointed to by HISTFILE when the shell exits. By default, HISTFILE points to ~/.bash_history.

Alias expansion is enabled.

In the absence of traps, the SIGTERM signal is ignored.

In the absence of traps, SIGINT is caught and handled. Thus, typing Ctrl+C, for example, will not quit your interactive shell.

Sending SIGHUP signals to all jobs on exit is configured with the huponexit option.

Commands are executed upon read.

Bash checks for mail periodically.

Bash can be configured to exit when it encounters unreferenced variables. In interactive mode this behavior is disabled.

When shell built-in commands encounter redirection errors, this will not cause the shell to exit.

Special built-ins returning errors when used in POSIX mode don't cause the shell to exit. The built-in commands are listed in the section called “Shell built-in commands”.

Failure of exec will not exit the shell.

Parser syntax errors don't cause the shell to exit.

Simple spell check for the arguments to the cd built-in is enabled by default.

Automatic exit after the length of time specified in the TMOUT variable has passed, is enabled.


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