
Middleware is computer software that provides services to software applications beyond those available from the operating system. It can be described as "software glue".[1]

Middleware makes it easier for software developers to implement communication and input/output, so they can focus on the specific purpose of their application.

The term is most commonly used for software that enables communication and management of data in distributed applications. An IETF workshop in 2000 defined middleware as "those services found above the transport (i.e., over TCP/IP) layer set of services but below the application environment (i.e., below application-level APIs).[2] In this more specific sense middleware can be described as the dash (“-”) in client-server, or the -to- in peer-to-peer.[citation needed] Middleware includes web servers, application servers, content management systems, and similar tools that support application development and delivery.

ObjectWeb defines middleware as: "The software layer that lies between the operating system and applications on each side of a distributed computing system in a network."[3] Services that can be regarded as middleware include enterprise application integration, data integration, message oriented middleware (MOM), object request brokers (ORBs), and the enterprise service bus (ESB).


严格来讲,中间件技术已经不局限于应用服务器、数据库服务器。围绕中间件,Apache组织、IBM、Oracle(BEA)、微软各自发展出了较为完整的软件产品体系。(Microsoft Servers微软公司的服务器产品)。中间件技术创建在对应用软件部分常用功能的抽象上,将常用且重要的过程调用、分布式组件、消息队列、事务、安全、连结器、商业流程、网络并发、HTTP服务器、Web Service等功能集于一身或者分别在不同品牌的不同产品中分别完成。一般认为在商业中间件及信息化市场主要存在微软阵营、Java阵营、开源阵营。阵营的区分主要体现在对下层操作系统的选择以及对上层组件标准的制订。目前主流商业操作系统主要来自Unix苹果公司Linux的系统以及微软视窗系列。微软阵营的主要技术提供商来自微软及其商业伙伴,Java阵营则来自IBMSun(已被Oracle收购)、OracleBEA(已被Oracle收购)、金蝶(Kingdee Apusic)及其合作伙伴,开源阵营则主要来自诸如Apache,SourceForge等组织的共享代码。

中间件技术的蓬勃发展离不开标准化,标准的创建有助于融合不同阵营的系统。越来越多的标准被三大阵营共同接受并推广发展。 中间件技术的发展方向朝着更广阔范围的标准化,功能的层次化,产品的系列化方面发展。



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