

  1. TCG project —— EVIL

    • Using alpha-beta Search (逃~)
    • Using Monte-Carlo Tree Search
      • 如果有时间的话试试看,,不过目前看来 希望不大,现在考虑把TCL加上然后train一个高质量的AI出来
    • NegaMax? NegaScout.. if time is allowed
      • 因为player 和 evil 的策略会有不同,所以不能是用negaMax的形式,不过这些都不是问题,问题是我目前的做法仅仅是在当前状态继续往下搜索一层而已(看哪个branch的得分最小)。
      • 另外,发现一个严重的问题,learning rate非常难把握,0.01,0.001,0.0001甚至更小,但是发现练太久直接导致overfitting,而不知道在什么时候更换learning rate也很蛋疼,,记得一开始练出一个很强的AI把对方限制在2000分,后来越练越烂,对打的时候发现AI已经不会玩了。这个找机会再修改吧。
      • 仅仅使用TD learning还是不够强,虽然我的feature已经足够好了,但是这和使用了TCL(Temporal Coherence Learning)的AI相差很远,找个机会把TCL弄清楚然后加上去。
      • Mastering 2048 with Delayed Temporal Coherence Learning, Multi-State Weight Promotion, Redundant Encoding and Carousel Shaping
        • Jaśkowski, Wojciech. "Mastering $2048 $ with Delayed Temporal Coherence Learning, Multi-State Weight Promotion, Redundant Encoding and Carousel Shaping." arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.05085 (2016).
    • How many ply?
      • 233333
    • Time limited?
  2. Proof number Search
  3. Presentation
    • Dual Lambda Search and Shogi Endgames

      • Lambda Search (single goal)
      • Lambda Search (composite goal)
      • Dual Lambda Search
      • Proof number Search (Depth-First Proof-Number Search)
      • Shogi Endgames
        • 将棋的残局:诘将棋必至,前者是连将杀,特点是每一手都要王手(将军),后者则是更像中国象棋排局那样,不在乎是否每手都要将军,最后封死玉将即可。
        • Check (將軍,則稱為王手(おうて)
        • Checkmate(narrow sense): ( 將死或將殺,簡稱殺)
        • Brinkmate (narrow sense): ( 绝杀,必至 )
      • others?
    • Slide (maybe can use beamer?) using google doc...23333
    • Discuss wih やきねこ & teacher
  4. Unix Network Programming
    • Project 3

      • 目前进度,,搞懂了CGI到底是什么鬼,好象是可以开始写了。23333
      • part1_cgi:
        • Write a CGI program to receive an HTTP request
        • Then, the CGI program connects to the three ras or rwg servers and then redirects the batch file (stored in the HTTP server) as input to these servers.
        • hen receiving messages, send these messages back to the browser as the returning web page. Note that the returning web page includes several columns,one for displaying the returning messages from each server.
      • part2_httpserver:
        • Write a simple http server in Unix to support CGI.
        • This must work with TA's CGI programs (samples will be posted) and the previous CGI you wrote.
      • part3_httpserver+cgi in windows:
        • simple http server which only provides the remote batch service, that is, it is the combination of 1st part and 2nd part.
        • implement Nonblocking by API WASAsyncSelect easily, than implement the corresponding event to each action. Since the program combines HTTP and CGI, it is both server(for browser) and client(for ras/rwg). Thus, you need to define another messege to handle different event.
  5. Seminar
    • Giraffe: Using Deep Reinforcement Learning to Play Chess ?? (next time? not sure)
    • Dancing Links?? puzzles soduko?
  6. 统计学习方法(not sure)
  7. 西瓜书(not sure)
  8. 神书 —— Searching for Solutions in Games and Artificial Intelligence
  9. Chimo
    • UCCI Battle System
  10. Data Mining report


  1. 第五章 --- 关于Javascript 设计模式 之 发布-订阅模式
  2. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.3版下载
  3. 移动应用平台的开发环境的发展演变-elcipse与android studio
  4. C#调用windows API的一些方法
  5. python 最小公倍数
  6. Linux学习之路—Linux目录配置
  7. python 代码片段21
  8. 使用SBT构建Scala应用(转自git)
  9. datagridview 右键选中行 并弹出菜单
  10. [傻瓜版] Redis在Windows下的开发环境配置步骤
  11. Maven入门2-pom.xml文件与settings.xml文件
  12. RocketMQ源码 — 十一、 RocketMQ事务消息
  13. Queue 队列的使用
  14. CentOS7.0小随笔——指令基本操作(Part.A)
  15. SQLServer中处理亿万级别的数据
  16. powerdesign、navacat、ER图、uml、类图、时序图
  17. transitionFromView方法的使用
  18. 手动方式SQL注入脚本命令之精华版
  19. Maven 私服安装和启动
  20. QML从文件加载组件简单示例


  1. Oracle位图索引
  2. Log4net入门(WCF篇)
  3. SQL实用
  4. CSS 基础篇、绝对有你想要
  5. HTML5-video标签-实现点击预览图播放或暂停视频
  6. 从express源码中探析其路由机制
  7. 4.在MVC中使用仓储模式进行增删查改
  8. Basic Tutorials of Redis(4) -Set
  9. Salesforce的sharing Rule 不支持Lookup型字段解决方案
  10. dubbo连接zookeeper注册中心因为断网导致线程无限等待问题【转】