
    angular.module("myApp.store").controller("StoresCtrl", function($scope, StoreService, Contact) {
StoreService.listStores().then(function(branches) {
Contact.retrieveContactInfo().then(function(userInfo) {
//more code here crossing user and stores data



    describe("Store Controller", function() {
var $controller, Contact, StoreService, createController, scope; beforeEach(function() {
module('myApp.store'); // Provide will help us create fake implementations for our dependencies
module(function($provide) { // Fake StoreService Implementation returning a promise
$provide.value('StoreService', {
listStores: function() {
return {
then: function(callback) {return callback([{ some: "thing", hoursInfo: {isOpen: true}}]);}
chooseStore: function() { return null;}
}); // Fake Contact Implementation return an empty object
$provide.value('Contact', {
retrieveContactInfo: function() {
return {
then: function(callback) { return callback({});}
}); return null;
}); beforeEach(function() { // When Angular Injects the StoreService and Contact dependencies,
// it will use the implementation we provided above
inject(function($controller, $rootScope, _StoreService_, _Contact_) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
StoreService = _StoreService_;
Contact = _Contact_;
createController = function(params) {
return $controller("StoresCtrl", {
$scope: scope,
$stateParams: params || {}
}); it("should call the store service to retrieve the store list", function() {
var user = { address: {street: 1}}; // Jasmine spy over the listStores service.
// Since we provided a fake response already we can just call through.
spyOn(StoreService, 'listStores').and.callThrough(); // Jasmine spy also allows to call Fake implementations via the callFake function
// or we can return our own response via 'and.returnValue
// Here we can override the response we previously defined and return a promise with a user object
spyOn(Contact, 'retrieveContactInfo').and.callFake(function() {
return {
then: function(callback) { return callback(user); }
}); createController();
// Since we setup a spy we can now expect that spied function to have been called
// or to have been called with certain parameters..etc

原文地址:Testing Promises with Jasmine – Provide and Spy


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