public interface Configuration
extends annotation.Annotation
Indicates that a class declares one or more @Bean methods and may be processed by the Spring container to generate bean definitions and service requests for those beans at runtime, for example:

   public class AppConfig {
       public MyBean myBean() {
           // instantiate, configure and return bean ...

Bootstrapping @Configuration classes
Via AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
@Configuration classes are typically bootstrapped using either AnnotationConfigApplicationContext or its web-capable variant, AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext. A simple example with the former follows:

   AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx =
       new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
   MyBean myBean = ctx.getBean(MyBean.class);
   // use myBean ...

See AnnotationConfigApplicationContext Javadoc for further details and see AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext for web.xml configuration instructions.
Via Spring XML
As an alternative to registering @Configuration classes directly against an AnnotationConfigApplicationContext, @Configuration classes may be declared as normal definitions within Spring XML files:

     <bean class="com.acme.AppConfig"/>

In the example above, is required in order to enable ConfigurationClassPostProcessor and other annotation-related post processors that facilitate handling @Configuration classes.
Via component scanning
@Configuration is meta-annotated with @Component, therefore @Configuration classes are candidates for component scanning (typically using Spring XML's element) and therefore may also take advantage of @Autowired/@Inject at the field and method level (but not at the constructor level).
@Configuration classes may not only be bootstrapped using component scanning, but may also themselves configure component scanning using the @ComponentScan annotation:

   public class AppConfig {
       // various @Bean definitions ...

See @ComponentScan Javadoc for details.
Working with externalized values
Using the Environment API
Externalized values may be looked up by injecting the Spring Environment into a @Configuration class using the @Autowired or the @Inject annotation:

   public class AppConfig {
       @Inject Environment env;

       public MyBean myBean() {
           MyBean myBean = new MyBean();
           return myBean;

Properties resolved through the Environment reside in one or more "property source" objects, and @Configuration classes may contribute property sources to the Environment object using the @PropertySources annotation:

   public class AppConfig {
       @Inject Environment env;

       public MyBean myBean() {
           return new MyBean(env.getProperty(""));

See Environment and @PropertySource Javadoc for further details.
Using the @Value annotation
Externalized values may be 'wired into' @Configuration classes using the @Value annotation:

   public class AppConfig {
       @Value("${}") String beanName;

       public MyBean myBean() {
           return new MyBean(beanName);

This approach is most useful when using Spring's PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer, usually enabled via XML with . See the section below on composing @Configuration classes with Spring XML using @ImportResource, see @Value Javadoc, and see @Bean Javadoc for details on working with BeanFactoryPostProcessor types such as PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer.
Composing @Configuration classes
With the @Import annotation
@Configuration classes may be composed using the @Import annotation, not unlike the way that works in Spring XML. Because @Configuration objects are managed as Spring beans within the container, imported configurations may be injected using @Autowired or @Inject:

   public class DatabaseConfig {
       public DataSource dataSource() {
           // instantiate, configure and return DataSource

   public class AppConfig {
       @Inject DatabaseConfig dataConfig;

       public MyBean myBean() {
           // reference the dataSource() bean method
           return new MyBean(dataConfig.dataSource());

Now both AppConfig and the imported DatabaseConfig can be bootstrapped by registering only AppConfig against the Spring context:
new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);
With the @Profile annotation

@Configuration classes may be marked with the @Profile annotation to indicate they should be processed only if a given profile or profiles are active:
   public class EmbeddedDatabaseConfig {
       public DataSource dataSource() {
           // instantiate, configure and return embedded DataSource

   public class ProductionDatabaseConfig {
       public DataSource dataSource() {
           // instantiate, configure and return production DataSource

See @Profile and Environment Javadoc for further details.
With Spring XML using the @ImportResource annotation
As mentioned above, @Configuration classes may be declared as regular Spring definitions within Spring XML files. It is also possible to import Spring XML configuration files into @Configuration classes using the @ImportResource annotation. Bean definitions imported from XML can be injected using @Autowired or @Inject:

   public class AppConfig {
       @Inject DataSource dataSource; // from XML

       public MyBean myBean() {
           // inject the XML-defined dataSource bean
           return new MyBean(this.dataSource);

With nested @Configuration classes

@Configuration classes may be nested within one another as follows:
   public class AppConfig {
       @Inject DataSource dataSource;

       public MyBean myBean() {
           return new MyBean(dataSource);

       static class DatabaseConfig {
           DataSource dataSource() {
               return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder().build();

When bootstrapping such an arrangement, only AppConfig need be registered against the application context. By virtue of being a nested @Configuration class, DatabaseConfig will be registered automatically. This avoids the need to use an @Import annotation when the relationship between AppConfig DatabaseConfig is already implicitly clear.
Note also that nested @Configuration classes can be used to good effect with the @Profile annotation to provide two options of the same bean to the enclosing @Configuration class.
Configuring lazy initialization
By default, @Bean methods will be eagerly instantiated at container bootstrap time. To avoid this, @Configuration may be used in conjunction with the @Lazy annotation to indicate that all @Bean methods declared within the class are by default lazily initialized. Note that @Lazy may be used on individual @Bean methods as well.
Testing support for @Configuration classes
The Spring TestContext framework available in the spring-test module provides the @ContextConfiguration annotation, which as of Spring 3.1 can accept an array of @Configuration Class objects:

   @ContextConfiguration(classes={AppConfig.class, DatabaseConfig.class})
   public class MyTests {

       @Autowired MyBean myBean;

       @Autowired DataSource dataSource;

       public void test() {
           // assertions against myBean ...


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